Posted by Alice at 11:02 PM 1 comments
As most of you already know, Tropical Storm Fay rolled through Florida last week. After the storm, we were surprised to see a local church's steeple laying in their parking lot. Many people in the area have taken photos of the steeple. Not to be outdone :) , my daughter and I stopped by the church a couple nights ago and took our own pictures.
At the top of the church you can actually see a cable hanging down. My guess is that this cable was somehow attached to the steeple. The top end of the steeple is cracked open, with the tip totally broken off.
I thought this was an interesting angle for a picture. Then Kali had this great idea:
Now we sit and wait to see what Gustaf and Hannah are going to do.
Posted by Alice at 10:14 PM 1 comments
The new school year has begun. With that, comes a new year of planning. On Wednesday nights, our sessions are usually opened with music led by the Praise Team. They met with Mr. Owen a couple nights ago and started preparing music for the new year. We have a lead guitar player, a bass player, a drummer, Mr. Owen plays keyboards, and we have three vocalists at this time.
Listening to instruction.
These are the vocalists. My daughter is on the right :) They did a great job practicing some new songs. They really picked out some good praise and worship material for the year. Their first session leading worship will be in two weeks. I will try to post some new shots of them then.
Posted by Alice at 11:29 AM 2 comments
I hadn't posted anything in a couple days, and this cartoon really made me laugh. So, I am sharing it with you :-D~ . The day hasn't gotten off to a good start, so I've taken a minute to sit at the computer and just forget about all the rest. I get Garfield everyday in my email. Today, I get to share it with you.
Posted by Alice at 11:04 AM 1 comments
We lost power within minutes of my last posting. At our house, that also means we have no water. By nighttime, it was unbelievably hot in the house and Jason was feeling sick. Mark elected to stay home and take care of animals (19 total), and sent the kids and me off to a local hotel. After being at the hotel a couple days, we got bored and Kali started shooting pictures. Here are a couple:
Some really unpleasant color of paint on the walls.
At least my camera is entertaining.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
We came home this morning and there are leaves, twigs, branches, sand, and dirt everywhere. No damage, thankfully. I mentioned the kittens in my last post. When we got home, all the kittens were here and well. Here are some pictures of them.
Waiting to jump on a brother or sister...
...only to get jumped on herself :-D~
You've heard the term, "a face only a mother could love?" Well, here you go :-D~
This was my favorite shot. Two weeks old.
Posted by Alice at 4:14 PM 3 comments
I took this shot from the porch at about 12:30 PM, today. It's really dark, dreary, and it's raining constantly. There is a bit of wind and lots of blowing water.
Posted by Alice at 1:10 PM 2 comments
Tropical Storm Fay is knocking on my door. I don't do storms well. The last big hurricane season we had here saw us lose part of our roof, our dining room ceiling collapsed, and we were without power for quite awhile. Anyway, I digress. This afternoon, as it stormed outside, I sat here at the computer doing google searches and playing with photos, trying to keep entertained. Here are a couple of my photos that I altered.
Posted by Alice at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Everyone has been watching the olympics currently taking place in Beijing. I always marvel at the way the advertizers and all the various businesses in the market pick up the current "big thing" of the day and run with it. This even includes the comics :). My favorite comics of all time are BC and Garfield. This is my favorite BC olympic strip so far. It really makes me laugh. Be sure to read the disclaimer at the very bottom of the strip.
Posted by Alice at 9:08 AM 0 comments
Brother Jeff, our youth pastor, introducing the program.
R. went to Worldview Academy for her third year. She explained this program and talked about her experiences there.
S. was part of the SLU 301 trip to London, Paris, Oxford, and Normandy. He talked about the things he learned there.
R. also went on SLU 301. She spoke about what the trip meant to her and about what she learned there. Brother Jeff also went on this trip and showed us some great photos of the various places they visited.
Posted by Alice at 12:26 AM 0 comments
For all the Trinity students that start back to school tomorrow - here's a picture for you. I got it from a new blogfriend in Canada - I thought it was awesome! Now, I'm posting it for you - so you can remember that I think you guys "rock"!!! I'll be praying for you this school year. Praying that you will be bold enough, brave enough, and courageous enough to stand strong in your faith, stand strong for Christ, and that He will use you to make a difference in our community. Love you, guys :-D~
Posted by Alice at 10:21 PM 0 comments