Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Show & Tell Friday
Did you grow up in the south? Did you enjoy Southern rock? Yep, this is a little different from my musical tastes these days, but back in the 1970's the secular music world got taken by storm by the group I am going to feature in my Show and Tell today.
Back in 1970, a 16 year old young man had a gym teacher named Mr. Skinner. This young man, along with his friends, were frequently put on suspension by the coach because their hair was too long. In rebellion, they dropped out of school and began a musical career. As a joke, they named their band after the gym coach. Who am I talking about? Well, the student was Ronnie Van Zant, and the group was named the Leonard Skinner Band - after Coach Leonard Skinner. They soon transitioned the name to the Lynyrd Skynyrd Band. They cut their first demo in 1970. Free Bird went on to become their anthem. 1973 saw their megahit Sweet Home Alabama hit the charts. Their fame and popularity grew and grew, making them the premiere Southern rock band of the decade. In 1977, the band's private jet ran out of fuel inflight and crashed in Mississippi. Ronnie Van Zant and three other band members were killed in that crash. That brings me to today's post. Ronnie Van Zant is buried not far from where I live. As you enter the cemetary you are met with a beautiful rendition of Jesus, the Christ. Take the drive to the left and you come upon this next scene.
This is the tomb of Ronnie Van Zant. Even after 31 years, people still leave flowers, cards, and notes at the grave - die hard fans who don't want to forget.

Below the the inscription is a flying bird - the symbol recognized with the name "Lynyrd Skynyrd."

The first time I visited this memorial was in the late 70's. I was touched by the words engraved on the bench in the next photo. You will notice the bench and wording was offered by C. Daniels - Charlie Daniels and the Charlie Daniels Band.

Posted by Alice at 11:27 PM 11 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Melrose Extras
These are a few additional photos I took along the street beside the rose garden. These were taken just after a rain, so the light was especially good. This road is so pretty and peaceful. Next to no auto traffic, but there was this lady with three huge german shepards - but that's another story :).
Posted by Alice at 9:41 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Forgotten Garden
Last year, Pam took Kali and I out on our first photo shoot. Across the road from where we were taking pictures, I spotted this gate. Upon further inspection, we found a rose garden. We hadn't thought much about it, until two days ago. Kali and I were in Melrose and we started driving the back roads, looking for the garden. It had just rained and was still sprinkling a bit. I got my camera out and we started walking through the gardens. We went back yesterday and took some more photos. Join me if you would, as I walk you through the garden we found.

I also like the way the rain drops stand on the flowers.

Posted by Alice at 7:27 PM 6 comments
Flower Teaser - Promise More To Follow
My daughter and I spent the past two afternoons at a beautiful, abandoned spot near our home. I couldn't wait until I finished editing photos to share a teaser shot, with the promise that more will come. Aren't these white roses gorgeous? I shot this while it was still sprinkling rain, with the camera underneath the flowers - pointed up towards the sky. Now, back to work on my editing :). ** Remember, you can enlarge these photos to full screen, just by clicking on them.
Posted by Alice at 10:16 AM 2 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
First Check
Wow! The excitement at our house today was that Kali received her first paycheck!!! She was so excited! I sent her into Johnny's by herself to pick up her first check. She got paid for a total of 3.95 hours worked. Kali had no idea how much she was getting paid an hour, so we had no way to know how much this check might be for. She got back into the car, waited a second, then ripped open the envelope. When she looked at the check, Kali got this amazed look on her face and, with eyes wide open, she said, "$24.77! Wow! That's enough to buy like 50 packs of Ramen!" ROFL. After I stopped laughing, we figured out she could actually get like 120 packs of Ramen, if she felt so moved. Life is great!
Oh yeah, she said the above picture looked like a mug shot! Spoken like a true cop's (ex-cop's) daughter!
Posted by Alice at 1:20 AM 1 comments
Show & Tell Friday
"Show & Tell Friday! Do you have something special to share? It could be a trinket from grade school, a piece of jewelry, or a treasured collection. Look around your home for something to share; dig through those boxes in your closet if you have to! Share photos and the story that goes with your special item."

Posted by Alice at 12:40 AM 22 comments