During Christmas I had this collage as the topper for my page. Now that Christmas is over and I have changed toppers, I wanted to post it here so it would be a permanent part of my page. I took all the photos at my church. The women do such a beautiful job decorating. Many of these pictures are in a separate post further down, but I wanted to just save this topper. I love the way it turned out. If you click on it, you can see it full screen.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
My Christmas Collage
Posted by Alice at 1:37 PM 4 comments
Join Us For Some New Year's Fun
Kelli over at There's No Place Like Home is hosting some New Year's fun. Simply "post the first sentence of your first blog post of each month. You can also add a favorite picture from each month." It's that easy. You can list your post with Mr. Linky over at Kelli's page. Here is mine:
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July, 2008: Even though today is the 4th of July - my son still had to work.

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August, 2008: Yesterday, my daughter and I were out in the car and decided to stop and take some pictures.
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September, 2008: Earlier this year, a dear friend took my daughter out of town a little ways to a beautiful field of flowers.

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November, 2008: A new haircut deserves a special photo shoot :).
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December, 2008: Kali and I visited Downtown Disney this past week.

Posted by Alice at 12:16 AM 5 comments
Labels: Show and Tell
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Taylor Landscape

Posted by Alice at 11:34 PM 6 comments
Labels: family, Taylor Manor
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas at Taylor Manor

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There were so many beautiful decorations to enjoy. Here are just a few.
Posted by Alice at 9:47 PM 3 comments
Labels: Christmas, holiday, Taylor Manor
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Go, Burger King!!!
I didn't believe my eyes when I first saw this sign in Callahan. I literally turned in my seat (I was not driving, thankfully - lol) to make sure I read it correctly. By that time, Mark was already down the highway a bit. We stopped on our way back home tonight so I could get this photo. I was amazed that a business as high-profile as Burger King (forget that it was in Callahan) believed strongly enough to put this on the main highway running through town. All I can add is, "You go, Burger King!" High 5's all around. Let's none of us forget the truth of Christmas. God so loved - you and me - that He gave His only Son. Merry Christmas!
Posted by Alice at 11:45 PM 9 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Celebrating Jesus

Posted by Alice at 3:34 PM 17 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Falling Leaves
A few days ago I showed you some flowers blooming here in mid-December. I took the above photo two nights ago in my church parking lot. If you click to enlarge the picture, the leaves almost look 3-D. As you can see, the leaves (such as they are) are finally changing colors. Yes, it's almost January, so it's about time. We have warm weather, in the 80's today, blooming flowers, leaves changing colors, Christmas decorations - all at the same time. Welcome to the south.
Posted by Alice at 11:19 PM 1 comments
Labels: nature