Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tribute and Thanks

I've been working on pictures from Alma, Georgia, lately. I received an email from a cousin telling me about a monument
I missed when I was in Georgia. Mark went back up to the hunting camp yesterday and took these pictures for me.

The people of Alma, and Bacon County, established this monument to honor the soldiers who fought in World War I, World War II,
the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, and those who were prisoners of war - from the Bacon County area.
Honor and thanks to each person listed: those killed in action, those taken prisoner of war, and one medal of honor recipient.
The reverse side shows those who fought and returned home.
Those serving in the Vietnam War and the Persian Gulf War, including my cousin, Danny Conrad, who was in Vietnam.
Thanks for your service, Danny. I didn't know you fought in Vietnam, I guess I was too young at the time.
I'm proud of you and thank you for your sacrifice.
The back side of the monument - where many of the names are listed. All from this one county.
With our busy lifestyles, we forget to stop and remember those who fought to allow us to maintain the freedoms we have here in the United States. Thanks, Danny, for telling me about this monument. It's proper that we remember and say thanks. And it's proper for us to pray for our soldiers out there fighting right now, and for their families, and for their safety. We should say "thank you" every chance we get - so, thanks, Danny! You made a difference!


Nana said...

That is beautiful. We don't thank our men and women that work so hard and give up so much sometimes their very lives to keep us free. Thanks for posting and I am thankful for your cousin too who gave his all.

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