During the summer, my dear friend Sharon comes to me and says she has signed her daughter up for a 4-day speech and debate conference. She wanted to know if Kali might want to go also. Being the organized, on-task homeschool mom that I am, I immediately knew I could count this towards a high school credit and said, sure, Kali would love to go. I immediately signed her up. I didn't know that Kali would actually want to do this, so I didn't tell her about it until maybe two days before it began. I was wrong to be concerned, though. Kali came home so pumped up about Communicators For Christ, that she hardly seems the same person. She spends almost every waking minute that we aren't doing devotions, Algebra, or English, working on speech and debate homework, going over ideas for interpretive speeches, impromptu ideas. We have joined a CFC chapter about an hour from here and are making the trip twice a month to meet with them and learn new things. Kali has already signed up for another conference in November and we are already shopping for new clothes :), an added plus - getting to see my daughter excited about girly clothes - lol. Here is a shot of her debate group. There is a serious photo also, but I think this one is my favorite :) I love the guys on the back row.
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